Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Stranger Meaning

"What inspires me? I am so inspired every day. I am inspired by thinkers. I am inspired by rebellion. I am inspired by children. I have been inspired by love." -Nikki Sixx
Being inspired by something makes it meaningful to you and your life I would think.  Being inspired every day makes it sound like Nikki Sixx lives a pretty meaningful life every day of his life.  Personally, I think Nikki Sixx is an inspiration too.  He overcame an addiction to heroin and still finds life worth living. He still finds life meaningful even though he's been at one of the lowest possible points in life.  I think that's worth something.
What inspires me? I am inspired by the bright horizon.  I believe that even when things seem their darkest, the sun will rise and shine hope upon the darkness.  I cherish the relationships in my life.  My family and my friends mean so much to me and I look forward to every new day.  Living life is meaningful to me. Music is meaningful to me.  Art is meaningful to me. Life is pretty great honestly. Even when things seem meaningless, there's always something worth living for.  That's how I feel and I try not to let anyone or anything make me feel otherwise.