Sunday, October 19, 2014

We Still Haven't Figured This Out Yet!

Figured what out? Life? It'll be a long time before life can be figured out in a universal point of view. But I believe that people can figure their own lives out. Every individual is unique and thus has their own unique life that is only theirs to live.  Maybe there is no universal answer for life because each life is so different.  Siddhartha lives life as a Samana for awhile before moving on and trying something different because he does not believe he can achieve Nirvana through this lifestyle.  He then goes on to meet the Buddha with his friend Govinda and does not think he can "figure" his life out with this lifestyle but Govinda is captivated by the Buddha's teachings and goes on to follow that lifestyle. This is illustrative of how people need to make their own choices in order to figure out their life on their own path.  Perhaps this lifestyle will work for Govinda but Siddhartha knows that it will not help him be rid of the Self.  Siddhartha goes on to realize that he was afraid of himself. He's been trying so hard to be rid of the Self but lost himself along the way. He "awakens" and knows that he cannot accept any other teachings. He cannot learn about himself from others. "I will learn from myself, be my own pupil; I will learn from myself the secret of Siddhartha." He must figure himself out without help from anyone else because only he can truly know himself.

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