Thursday, September 4, 2014


My name is Luis Rodriguez and I am a senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. What should I tell y'all about me? Well first of all, I really enjoy using the word y'all despite not being southern. I am also pretty annoyed at the blogger app because it doesn't autosave and it's really inconvenient. I have to use this app because my laptop's hard drive kinda died on me. Pretty inconvenient. Anyways, my favorite color is red, I like birds, my shoe size is ten...Wait that's not what I'm supposed to talk about right? I'm supposed to let you know about me as a person and not trivial things. I used to be a pretty quiet kid who never talked but now I talk a bit more and I'll try to contribute something of value should I think of something considered as valuable to the class. Philosophy sure does make you think huh? I think I'm trying too hard to do this and I probably seem like some jag but whatever. This is my blog and I can type whatever comes to mind. My favorite brand of bottled water is Ice Mountain. My favorite bands are Sum 41, Linkin Park, and Rise Against. You can probably tell what kind of music I like based off that. If you've read this far you can probably tell I jump around a lot in my writing and I commend you for weathering through my atrocious writing style. At least be glad you don't have to read my handwriting. Thank you for your time and may our adventure in philosophizing be ever so fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Ice Mountain man, huh? Huh....Good to have you back in class.
